HSE-folder content

From Biomedhms
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This is a chapter overview for the HSE-folder with key information about the chapters. If you wish to return to the welcoming page click here.

General Information

Contains general information about the leadership, building, readiness, office of operations operations and the ethical rules of IBM.

First Aid, notification procedures and personal safety

There is a first aid kit in every laboratory and department. The definition for HSE-non-conformities is "Undesirable events or conditions that lead to or could have lead to harm befalling humans, the environment or material". (Report HSE-non-conformities here.)

Accidents or needs related of a building technical nature shall be reported as a need in LYDIA (Link to LYDIA)

Personal protection and safety measures

This chapter concerns items of personal protection such as use of gloves, glasses, laboratory coats, face mask/protective breathing mask and hearing protection. When performing laboratory work one must always wear a lab. coat and when necessary use gloves suited to the type of work being carried out. In general you are REQUIRED to use personal protection equipment when other measures do not provide adequate safeguard. Different types of fume-cabinet installations are also described in this chapter.

Fire protection

All employees and students are required to have knowledge of current fire regulations.

It is important to be aware of where one can locate fire extinguishers, emergency showers, first aid kits, escape paths and where to meet if evacuated from the BB-building.

If there is a fire alarm close all gas flares, turn of electronic devices, close windows and doors, leave the building and meet at the agreed meeting location outside the building.

Waste Management

The core principle is that compounds that are harmful to the environment does not end up in the sink, or in landfills if it is possible to avoid it.

Even if the amount in question is insignificant, the total amount will accumulate over time and become significant.

UoB has a zero-tolerance policy of pouring chemicals in the sink!

Detailed procedures for waste handling of different kinds of waste are described in this chapter.


You are required to know the properties, dangers and safety measures of all the chemicals you are working with. This information can be found in the safety data sheet (SDS) for the respective chemicals. All safety data sheets for chemicals at IBM can be found in the database Workplace safety which makes it easy to look it up.

If you are exposed to chemicals with the hazard statements H340, H350, H350i or all H360 (carcinogenic, mutagenic or damaging to fertility/unborn foetus ) or are working with ionizing radiation this shall be registered in the exposure registry which is an extra module in Workplace safety (contact the HSE-Co-ordinator if you can't find it).

If there is a chemical spill there is an aid station in the 5th, 6th and 7th floor in the niche just by the exit to the lifts, in the 4th floor in the preparation room adjacent to the laboratories, in the 1st floor there is an aid station in the office by the chemical store and in the room for storage of flammable substances in the main gas storage unit for BBB.

Aid stations contain rolls of absorptive material for fluids, special gloves and special sacks for collection of this waste.

Radiation protection

Everyone who works with radioactive isotopes must read this chapter, and participate in the radiation protection (strålevern) course.

  • The chapter contains information about:
    • responsibility regarding radioactive isotopes
    • how to order, register and store radioactive isotopes
    • the isotope rooms
    • safety equipment, log-books and contamination control
    • general safety procedures
    • waste management of radioactive isotopes
    • handling of uranyl acetate by the EM-lab

Work in grey and black zone

Everyone who will preform experiments on animals must read this chapter, and have completed the course laboratory animal science (forsøksdyrlære).

  • The zone division at IBM is:
    • Black zone: Animal department for stabling of animals, black zone also contains laboratories for work with animal groups (long time experiments).
    • Grey zone: Laboratory area where experiments are carried out on single animals.
    • White zone: Laboratories without animals, as well as office areas.

The chapter contains information about the routines and regulations regarding working with animals, using the sluice rooms and rooms in grey and black zone. In addition to information about vaccinations, allergies and dress codes.

Cell- and tissue culture

Everyone working in the cell lab must have read this chapter and receive training from the person responsible for the specific lab.

The chapter contains informations regarding the use of the cell laboratories at BBB and the BSL3 laboratory.

Everyone who uses the cell laboratories is required to change into a lab coat and lab shoes specialised for the cell lab.

Working with genetically modified organisms

All work regarding bio- and genetically modified organisms are regulated by Norwegian law ("biotechnology law" and "genetic engineering law" these pages are in Norwegian).

The chapter contains information and guidelines regarding work with genetically modified micro-organisms and genetically modified organisms. The responsibility that comes with this work, and the duties that comes with it.

Work with biological factors

This chapter contains classifications of infectious biological factors and rules regarding reporting to the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).

All work with biological factors that might cause infections of a character that pose a treat to the workers health; which in some cases are spreadable into the society, must be reported to the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority.

Guidelines for working with retroviruses

Everyone who works with retroviruses must read this chapter, and receive training from the person responsible for the specific cell laboratory.

The chapter contains information about two main types of retrovirus, and where work with retroviruses can be done. In addition to disinfection routines for waste and spills.

Guidelines for working with human blood


Everyone who is going to work with human blood must read this chapter, and receive internal training regarding protection, waste and accidents.

This chapter contains information about protective gear, vaccinations, first aid measures, procedures regarding accidents and waste handling.

Work with cytostatica

Everyone who works with cytostatica must read this chapter and receive internal training.

Preparation of cytostatica must be done in the dedicate laboratory in the 7th floor (6C128gA). In this room the ventilation system is separate from the other ventilation in the building.

The chapter contains rules and procedures for working with cytostatica, handling spills and waste that has been in contact with cytostatica.

Pregnancy/fertility and the working environment

The employer is responsible for ensuring that pregnant employees are protected against discomfort and injury resulting from the work situation and the working environment.

The working environment must not represent any additional risk to pregnancy or fertility beyond the general environmental pollution to which most of us are exposed.

Work with gas

This chapter contains information regarding transportation and work with gas, as well as liquid nitrogen. NB! All transport of gas canisters shall be preformed by "fellesavdelingen".